Thursday, December 8, 2011

Please help: Trouble with single-beam reflection holography?

Hello. Thanks for answering. I can make transmission but not reflection holograms.

Lemme go ahead and catch you up on some of my specs here...

Laser: 532nm CLM-15 module from Laserglow (rated at 15mw but wearing a sticker that says someone somewhere tested it for ten minutes at 32mw) aimed (from about 8 inches) through a laser objective and focused through a self-drilled pinhole (my homemade spatial filter)

Plates: Slavich VRP-M

Developer: JD-2 (yes bleach)

This bizzare inability to properly expose a Denishuk hologram has me utterly baffled. I truly hope I am not ruining my beautifully coherent light by folding it a total of 90 degrees with two FS mirrors (very small table). My total beam length from the pinhole is 61 inches - a number fairly arbitrarily decided by the dimensions of my table - but also a nice distance to get a homogeneous spread of light. Trans. holograms successfully expose at this distance and intensity...

Baffled. Please help.|||Sounds like you need to expose the plate for longer

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